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6 Best Ichimoku Indicator Trading Strategy

Skylar Williams

Dec 06, 2022 14:12


The Ichimoku Cloud is commonly regarded as one of the most complex indications due to the fact that its name is rare, it displays a great deal of data, and it requires education to comprehend how it operates. However, in technical analysis, knowledge translates into the ability to transform indicators into profits. Ichimoku cloud trading seeks to determine the probable price direction. It aids the trader in determining the optimal timing to enter and exit the market by indicating the direction of the trend. It provides accurate support and resistance levels, as well as the strength of market signals.

What Is The Ichimoku Cloud Indicator?

The Ichimoku Cloud is a group of technical indicators that display support and resistance levels, momentum, and trend direction. This is accomplished by plotting numerous averages on a chart. In addition, these numbers are used to compute a "cloud" that attempts to predict where the price may encounter support or resistance in the future.

Goichi Hosoda, a Japanese journalist, devised and published the Ichimoku Cloud in the late 1960s. It offers more data points than the conventional candlestick chart. At first sight, it may appear hard, but those accustomed to interpreting charts and trading signals typically find it simple to comprehend.

Ichimoku Kinko Hyo is among the essential technical indicators.

The term Ichimoku reveals a great deal about the trading strategy, or at least describes the system.

Ichimoku Means "One gaze, glance."

Kinkou = "Balance, equilibrium".

Hyo equals "Chart, Graph."

Components of Ichimoku Cloud Indicator:

Each of the five components of this indicator provides information regarding price movements.

1. Tenken Sen

This is a 9-day moving average line representing the midpoint between the highest and lowest points on the last 9 days' chart.

This is a leading indicator that responds quickly to price increases or decreases.

This is the first line of support when prices are trending upward and the first line of resistance when prices are trending downwards.

The calculation formula for this line is:

(Nine-period high plus nine-period low)/2.

2. Kijun Sen

This is a 26-day moving average line that displays the median value of the highest and lowest points on the last 26-days' charts.

Due to a greater number of periods, this line moves more slowly than tenken, allowing us to observe the flatness in some locations. This flatness might be seen as price support and resistance.

This is also a crucial support level in an uptrend and a resistance level in a downturn.

If prices and tenken are above kijun sen, then prices are in an uptrend; if prices and tenken are below kijun sen, then prices are in a downturn.

When kijun is flat, it signals that the market is consolidating and functions as a magnet to draw prices toward it.

As both tenken sen and kijun sen are moving averages, the bullish crossing happens when tenken sen crosses above kijun sen, while the bearish crossover occurs when tenken sen crosses below kijun sen.

The calculation formula for this line is:

[(26-period high + 26-period low)/2].

3. Chikou Span

The Chikou span is a lagging indicator that displays the closing price 26 times in the past.

During trading, one must ensure that the chikou span is not obstructed by candlesticks or kumo clouds and is, therefore, free to move in either the uptrend or downturn. Sourcian is a dedicated platform for the recommendation of the best manufacturers. Your sourcing journey starts right here at sourcian.

4. Senkou Span A

It is a leading indicator plotted 26 periods in the future.

It is derived using the midpoint of tenken and kijun for the last 26 periods.

This indicator is predominantly used in tandem with prices, as its calculation requires only a brief period of time.

Senkou Span A is the initial portion of the Kumo cloud. If prices are above this level, it functions as a support; if prices are below this level, it functions as resistance.

It is determined by:

[(Tenken Sen + Kijun Sen)/2]

5. Senkou Span B

This indicator is computed using the median of the previous 56 sessions.

As it requires a lengthy calculating period, it is flat the majority of the time and can be interpreted as a line of support when prices are above it and as a line of resistance when prices are below it.

The second component of the Kumo cloud.

It is determined by:

[(52-period high + 52-period low)/2].

Why The Ichimoku Indicator Matters?

Chart pattern formations and candlestick structures are helpful, profit-generating tools for any successful trading system, but traders seeking further data require more information. Based on the historical data of moving averages, Ichimoku is an ideal visual depiction of essential facts.

Ichimoku is a part of Time Theory, Target Price Theory, and Wave Movement Theory, all of which are popular among Japanese forex traders. Ichimoku, unlike other indicators, takes time into account in addition to price, much like some of the most renowned theories published by the legendary trader William Delbert Gann. This provides traders with an advantage to earn substantial profits by consistently implementing a winning trading technique.

How to Read The Ichimoku Cloud?

Each indicator component of the Ichimoku indicator indicates a different facet of the price action and is calculated accordingly. The following diagram illustrates an example of the components of a trading platform.

Each of the lines is calculated in a certain manner and represents distinct characteristics of the indicator. The following are the lines:

The Conversion Line (Tenkan-Sen) – can be viewed as the short-term line and shows the average of the high and low for the previous nine periods (9-period high + 9-period low / 2).

The BaseLine (Kijun-Sen) is the long-term line determined as the average of the 26-period high and low (26-period high + low / 2).


The Lagging Span (Chickou Span) is a line that indicates the closing price for the past 26 periods. This line simplifies comparing the current price changes with those of the previous 26 periods.

The Leading Span A (Senkou Span A) is employed as a 26-period leading indicator. The values for this indicator are derived from the midpoint of Tenkan-sen and Kijun-sen for the previous 26 periods (Conversion Line + Base Line) divided by two.

The Leading Span B (Senkou Span B) is also employed as a leading indicator because it is calculated for 26 periods ahead and is based on the average of 52 periods' high and low (52-period high – 52-period low / 2).

The Ichimoku Cloud (Kumo) is the region between the Leading Span A and Leading Span B lines and is one of the most prominent elements on the chart. Ichimoku Cloud strategy formulation is not as difficult as it may appear. You will discover a potential signal by determining the price's position relative to the Ichimoku Cloud.

  • A bullish trend is anticipated if the price is above the Ichimoku Cloud.

  • Expect a downward trend if the price falls below the cloud.

  • A price level that falls within the cloud indicates a flat trend.

The variations in cloud color result from the motion of the leading span line. For instance, the area will be green if Leading Span A passes over Leading Span B. (the color used for the cloud can be different, depending on the trading platform). The specified periods are the default periods for this indicator. Obviously, you may modify this configuration in the indicator's settings in accordance with your trading strategy and the Ichimoku Cloud formula.

How Is The Ichimoku Cloud Indicator Calculated?

The highs and lows are the highest and lowest prices observed throughout the time, such as the highest and lowest prices observed over the last nine days for the conversion line. Adding the Ichimoku Cloud indicator to your chart will automatically perform the calculations, but if you prefer to do it manually, here are the steps:

Calculate the BaseLine and Conversion Line.

Determine Leading Span A based on previous computations. This data point is shown 26 cycles into the future after being calculated.

Determine Leading Span B. This data point should be plotted 26 periods in the future.

On the chart, plot the closing price 26 periods in the past for the Lagging Span.

To construct the cloud, the difference between Leading Span A and Leading Span B is colored in.

When Leading Span A is greater than Leading Span B, the cloud is colored green. When Leading Span A is less than Leading Span B, the cloud should be colored red.

The preceding actions will generate one data point. To produce the lines, repeat the steps as each period concludes to get new data points for that period. Connect the data points to form lines and a cloud-like look.

How May The Ichimoku Cloud Indicator Be Utilized?

The Ichimoku trading system can provide alerts for prospective buy and sell signals since it can determine the direction and momentum of potential trends. The Ichimoku indicator is useful for defining stop-loss positions, which can be placed at the support level. In addition, traders utilize the Ichimoku Cloud because it provides an estimate of the future price level. The Ichimoku Cloud indicator can be used for the following purposes in your trading strategy:

Determine trend direction - the Conversion and Base Lines signals can be used to determine trend direction. A favorable trend is anticipated when the Conversion Line rises above the BaseLine. When the Base Line rises over the Conversion Line, a contrary or downward trend is anticipated (shorter period line).

The Leading Span A and B Lines determine support and resistance levels, which act as the Ichimoku Cloud's perimeter. Since the Ichimoku Cloud indicator provides price forecasts, the cloud edges also provide a snapshot of the current and upcoming support and resistance levels.

Determine crossovers - you search for crossovers between the BaseLine and the Conversion Line. Keep in mind that you must consider the location of the crossover in order to evaluate its strength. The signal can be weak, neutral, or strong, depending on the type of crossing and whether it is below, within, or above the cloud.

The Ichimoku Cloud can be either bullish or bearish. Examine the Leading Span A and Leading Span B, or more accurately, the position of these lines in relation to the diagram and the cloud. When the Leading Span A Line rises over the Leading Span B Line, an indication of a prospective bullish trend arises (bullish Kumo). When the Leading Span A lowers or drops below the Leading Span B, a bearish trend can be observed (bearish cloud). A trend reversal may become apparent when Leading Span A and B switch places. By examining the angle of the Ichimoku Cloud, you may evaluate the strength of the trend; a steep upward or downward slope indicates a strong trend.

The Best Ichimoku Trading Strategy

There are numerous ways to leverage the various lines and characteristics of the Ichimoku indicator to develop profitable trading systems. Here are some of the most prevalent, advantageous, and effective Ichimoku trading tactics.

Buy and Sell Signals With Kumo Breakouts

A breakout through the Kumo or cloud is typically a strong buy or sell indication for traders. Once the asset has broken through the cloud, traders can ride the trend until the item's price breaks below the cloud once more.

Trading Kumo Breakouts Using Kijun-Sen

The Kumo, or cloud, functions as support or resistance and can contain price within it, offering a strong trading signal when the price breaks through or out of the cloud. The next step in any effective trading technique is to determine when to close a position. Following a cloud breakout, a trader should wait for the asset's price to break through the blue Kijun-Sen line in order to exit a profitable trade.

Utilizing Chikou Span and Tenkan-Sen in Exit Strategy

Cloud breakouts are powerful buy or sell indications, depending on the direction in which they occur. Waiting for a break back below the cloud can result in leaving too much profit on the table. The crossing of the green Chikou Span below the red Tenkan-Sen line, which indicates that a transaction should be closed and that a trend is losing momentum, is a signal for traders seeking to take profit at peak levels.

Spotting Reversals With Kumo Twists

Kumo twists make it simple to detect reversals via the cloud. Red or green clouds are displayed based on whether the trend is bullish or bearish, and the size of the cloud is proportional to the trend's strength. As trends begin to weaken, the cloud thins, frequently resulting in a change from green to red or red to green, depending on the direction of the trend reversal. These signals can be used to initiate a purchase or sale.

Using Chikou Span To Plot Support and Resistance

Ichimoku incorporates time into its calculations, providing traders with a view of the past, present, and possibly future critical places to monitor on a chart. The Chikou Span, a lagging span plotted back 26-periods, can be used to plot support or resistance lines that can be used to enter or exit positions.

Trading Strategy Using Senkou Span Crossovers

In addition to some of Ichimoku's more complicated tactics, a simple and straightforward trading strategy can be formed from a crossover of the two Senkou Spans. When Senkou Span A crosses above Senkou Span B, bullish price action is indicated. And when Senkou Span A crosses beneath Senkou Span B, bearish price movement ensues. The purchase or sale of these crossings can result in a consistently profitable trading strategy.

Limitations of Using The Ichimoku Cloud

With all of the lines, the indicator can make a graph appear chaotic. In response, the majority of charting software enables the hiding of specific lines. For instance, all lines except Leading Span A and Leading Span B, which generate the cloud, can be hidden. Each trader must concentrate on the lines that provide the most information and consider hiding the remainder if they are distracting.

The Ichimoku Cloud is also limited by its reliance on historical data. Even though two of these data points are projected in the future, the algorithm itself is not necessarily predictive, and future averages are simply being projected.


In addition, the cloud might become meaningless for extended periods of time if the price remains far above or below it. In such situations, the conversion line, the baseline, and their respective crossovers become increasingly significant as they tend to remain closer to the price.


Combined with technical analysis such as chart patterns and other oscillators, Ichimoku can be used to develop a profitable trading strategy that traders can employ to increase their capital quickly and easily. Undoubtedly, the Ichimoku cloud method is quite difficult, and before using it, you must have a thorough understanding of it.