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The Wheel Strategy in Options Trading: A Complete Guide

Vera Watts

Jan 04, 2022 16:16

One of the passive income methods from trading stocks is the Option Wheel Strategy, which is a way to collect regular options premiums as part of a long-term trading strategy.


Investing in securities markets is carried out using a systematic trading strategy. Trading strategies are based on predefined rules and criteria that are used when making trade decisions.

Simple or complex trading strategies may take into account factors like investment style (e.g., value vs. growth), technical indicators, market capitalization, industry sector, fundamental analysis, level of portfolio diversification, time horizon or holding period, risk tolerance, leverage, tax considerations, and so on. The successful trading strategy helps set it based on objective data and analysis and stick to it. At the same time, one should periodically reevaluate and tweak a trading strategy as market conditions or individual goals change.

Trading Strategy Development

Various types of trading strategies are there, but most are based either on technical analysis or fundamental analysis. The common element of both is that they rely on quantifiable data that can be tested to ensure accuracy. A technical trading strategy generates trading signals using technical indicators. According to technical traders, a security's price contains all its information, and it moves based on trends. 

Special Considerations

To avoid behavioral finance biases, a trading strategy can be stress-tested to measure consistency under varying market conditions. Trading strategies are applied to avoid behavioral finance biases. However, developing profitable trading strategies is difficult, and it is possible to become over-reliant on a strategy. Although a strategy may have performed well in theory based on past market data, actual market conditions may differ substantially from those during the test period.

What is the wheel option strategy?

An options-trading strategy called the Wheel Strategy allows you to profit from stock in four ways, enhancing your overall long-term returns. Being a long-term trading strategy, the Option Wheel Strategy is a powerful tool for selling secured cash puts and covered calls. Your favorite passive income method from trading stocks should be to collect option premiums consistently. One of the best options strategies carries a relatively low risk and is more profitable than many other popular options strategies.

Additionally, the Wheel Strategy can also be viewed as improving the traditional Buy & Hold strategy. This fund invests consistently in high-quality stocks or index funds ETFs while, at the same time, collecting additional premiums. Combining Cash Secured Puts and Covered Calls is a great way for investors to maximize income and capital appreciation of a stock or ETF by buying low and selling high. The Wheel Strategy is sometimes called this. The waiting period between buying and selling a security, generates income for the investor. Unlike Buy Limit Orders, Cash Secured Puts provide a better risk/return profile and is the preferred method to acquire stocks. In addition, selling covered calls instead of sell limit orders when attempting to sell a security at a higher price provides a more favorable risk/return profile. 

How does wheel strategy work?

Wheel Strategies are a systematic way of selling covered calls and cash-secured puts over the long term. Your strategy is to keep selling options on stocks that you believe will rise so that you can generate monthly income. A cash-secured put (CSP) is a way to collect an option premium by repeatedly selling it. The Wheel Strategy pays you when you open a long position, offers you dividends while holding the stock shares, and then pays you again when you close out the position.

Step 1

It begins with selling a cash-secured put option on a stock and collection of the premium. Choosing stocks that you are confident will hold over time is important and can be bought at a specific price. You must be willing to and have the funds available to purchase 100 shares of the stock at the strike price for each option contract sold.

There are two possible outcomes when a put option contract expires.

First Possible Outcome

Above the strike price, the stock price is higher. Keep 100% premium that you previously collected when you sold the option if it expires worthless. A premium is paid to be able to purchase one of your favorite stocks at the strike price agreed upon at expiration. Then you find another put to sell.

Second Possible Outcome

There is a price difference between the stock price and the strike price. The buyer of each option contract must purchase 100 shares of the stock at the strike price. The stock price lower than when you sold the put option, so that should not be a problem since you were bullish on it when you sold the put option. The premium you collected initially is also kept in this case, reducing the overall cost basis of the stock.   

Step 2

If you have been assigned a stock, you will want to sell an OTM (out-of-the-money). It covered call with a strike price higher than its cost basis. You profit from the premium collected and the capital gains over entry price if your stock now goes up in price, but the covered call isn't ITM (in-the-money) at expiration.

So Selling covered calls multiple times for more premium while holding the stock shares can provide a new source of income while lowering the cost basis of the stock if all the calls expire worthlessly. Eventually, the stock gets called away from you when the call option stock goes ITM before expiration.

If you hold the underlying for an extended period, you will not be able to get back into a profitable range until the uptrend resumes. When you are called away from the stock, the Wheel Strategy cycle ends.

It is possible to hold dividend stocks long enough to capture dividends if you trade dividend stocks. It is for this reason that the wheel strategy optionscan generate a quadruple source of income, since you should have collected income from selling cash-secured puts and covered calls (before the stock was assigned) as well as from dividends earned on the shares and possible capital gains earned on the price of the stock.

Examples of wheel strategy

Three trades can be made within The Wheel. The first trade involves selling puts. To collect premiums and purchase assigned stocks at a discount, purchase stocks at a lower price than they are currently trading. We will then sell calls after we have the shares. I will walk you through exactly how it works step by step.

Step 1: Selling Puts

Specifically, we were selling puts in the first trade. Let's look at a particular example.

Taking a look at the trade history, I am looking at the transactions for the last, let's say, 30 days, and I want to see the transactions made in Uber.



As In this case, we sold 30 puts at $0.25 for the 14th expiration. Each put is worth $25. In less than a week, we collected $175 from 7 of these.

The idea here was that I believed Uber would stay above $30 by the expiration date, so I would only collect the premium for the puts I sold.

As a result, I have taken the following trades in UBER throughout this period:



You can see here that there are eleven consecutive wins in these trades.

Uber's situation is as follows.



The number dipped below the magic 30, as you can see. The following happened.

If We would have collected the premium, sold more puts, and been happy if it stayed above 30.

UBER had a sharp selloff on the day of expiration, dropping below the put strikes I sold.


Step 2: Buying Shares

So To complete the trade, we had to buy the shares.

Our broker did this automatically for us. Uber was purchased at 30.

You have to buy 100 shares for every put you are selling.

There's something strange going on here. Please allow me to show you the transactions for the past 30 days on Uber.



So The 700 shares of Uber I should have received should have been in my account because when you sell puts, you must buy at the strike price you're selling. For a more in-depth explanation, watch The Wheel Strategy Explained, a video where I explain it in more detail.

So As a result of selling 7 puts, I should have received 700 shares. Instead, I received 400 shares for some reason. Sort of a bummer, but I can live with it. Because we sold this premium, we are keeping it. We will always hold the premium that we collect when we sell an option and collect a premium.So I now own 400 shares of UBER, and here's how the trade will proceed:

Step 3: Selling Calls

Here is where the "Wheel" starts rolling. When this part of the strategy clicks, you will understand why it profoundly affects me.This means that I can sell 4 covered calls against my 400 shares of UBER, creating a “Covered Call.”So At strike prices of 31 and expiring August 28th, we sold four calls. Initially, I recorded this video on August 21st, 2020, and based this article on it.They were sold for $0.52 per one option. That amounts to $52 per option. When multiplied by four, that's another $208 in our pocket. So nobody can take away the premium we received. We are not planning on closing this trade and buying back the call, so we will just leave it open. So far, $383 has been received.

Risks of option wheel strategy

Whatever the looks of a trading strategy, there will always be risk associated with it. This is true for the Options Wheel strategy as well. There is a great deal of trouble involved, especially if you don't know what you're doing. To succeed with this strategy, you need to understand its risk and be comfortable with losing money fully.

Are you going to lose money if you trade the options wheel?

Options wheels are based on a simple concept. Premiums are collected by selling puts or calls and waiting for theta decay to occur. However, you will lose money if the stock price tanks after you are assigned it.

 It's all hell breaking loose with the markets, and Apple quickly plummets to $80, which means you're down 20% on the stock. You are at the risk of losing moeny if you sell a covered call at this point at the $85 strike price because the stock could reverse its downtrend and rally past your strike price. When you sell covered calls with $100, you'll make practically nothing since you purchased the stock at $100.

Rather than risk this happening, you'll have to wait until the stock returns to where you purchased it so that you can stomach the unrealized losses. This could take a few weeks or several years, depending on the circumstances. We call it "holding the bag". Apple's stock recovered its pre-pandemic highs and soared even higher once the FED came to the rescue.

Alternatives strategies to consider

Cash-secured puts are heavily relied upon to generate income and covered calls to recoup any losses should the stock be assigned. In all kinds of different market conditions, you may want to consider alternative strategies to increase potential, minimize risk or target specific outcomes.

Option strategies that generate income include:

  • Covered calls are used to generate extra income by writing call options against a long stock position. The strategy is highly profitable if the stock moves close to the strike price without exceeding it.

  • Buying and selling credit spreads entails buying and selling the same options with different strike prices or expiration dates. The spreads can be bullish/bearish or neutral depending on the options selected, allowing traders a lot of flexibility.

  • The cash-secured puts are sold with enough cash set aside to buy the stock if it is assigned. The Wheel Option Strategy and other CSPs can be used to acquire stocks strategically rather than write out-of-the-money contracts.

Any option strategy should be used with an understanding of the pros and cons and the unique risks associated with the process. Also, one can reduce losses by rolling up or down to a different strike price or rolling out options to a later expiration date.

Best practices and tips of wheel strategy

  • Invest in Cash Secured Puts for a discount

  • Selling covered calls as soon as you acquire shares

  • Maximize time decay by using shorter-dated options (4-7 weeks)

  • Cash Secured Puts should be struck aggressively (higher delta)

  • Covered calls should be struck at a conservative delta (lower)


Utilizing the Wheel strategy while selling put and call options allows you to generate additional income while buying low and selling high. If you follow the best practices and have a consistent, methodological approach, you will be able to maximize the Wheel Strategy's effectiveness and increase your portfolio's yield and capital appreciation!

The Income Reports provide investors with the tools to implement the wheel strategy options successfully. Short Put Reports can help investors efficiently acquire the stocks they wish to own, while Covered Call Reports can help portfolio holders earn income! The platform also allows investors to analyze their income strategies in more detail.

Bottom line

The wheel options strategy is a wonderful way to generate semi-passive steady income consistently throughout the year with lower risk than many other options strategies and often exceeds the results of a simple Buy & Hold strategy. Aside from stock appreciation, a cash-secured put or covered call sale can reduce the cost basis of your favorite stocks, and dividends can also reduce the cost basis when those stocks pay dividends.

This scheme is not a get-rich-quick that will make you a millionaire overnight. Let's not even mention the thrill of day trading. Wheel trading is an inherently dull strategy. The Wheel Strategy will generate monthly and consistent returns when done correctly, assuming proper stock selection and patience. Rather than relying on hypothetical and often improbable big wins, prefer a steady and reliable income.

Through the use of cash-secured puts, straddles, and covered calls, the Wheel Option Strategy, or Triple Income Strategy maximizes premium income. It helps to maximize your chances of success and generate more revenue than conventional dividend stocks and fixed-income investments by keeping the stock and option selection tips in mind.


Snider Investment Method offers strict set of rules that utilize covered calls and cash-secured puts to generate options. To ensure cash flow in retirement, we use a combination of stock, opportunities, and cash, along with specific techniques applied in a specified sequence to maximize the income potential of your portfolio. one can reduce losses by rolling up or down to a different strike price or rolling out options to a later expiration date.