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September 27th news, the National Healthcare Security Administration held a press conference today to introduce the relevant situation of "establishing a medical insurance payment qualification management system for relevant personnel of designated medical institutions". Yan Qinghui, deputy director of the National Healthcare Security Administration, said that the current situation of medical insurance fund supervision is still relatively complicated. In the use of medical insurance funds, fraud and insurance fraud violations such as Wuxi Hongqiao Hospital still occur from time to time. At present, medical insurance fund supervision is still at the critical point of "reducing the stock and controlling the increase", and it still needs to continue to work hard to achieve a fundamental improvement.Futures news on September 27, according to Wind data, as of the week of September 27, the profit of self-breeding and self-raising pig farming was 368.14 yuan/head, and the profit on September 20 was 463.56 yuan/head; the profit of purchasing piglets for farming was 185.28 yuan/head, and the profit on September 20 was 284.21 yuan/head.Futures reported on September 27 that as of September 26, the national average price of asphalt this week was 3713.63 yuan/ton, down 48.05 yuan/ton or 1.28% from the previous month. Asphalt prices continued to fall, prices in the northwest region were relatively stable, and asphalt spot prices in other regions fell significantly. 1. Reasons: First of all, from the cost side, due to the weak fundamentals of the oil market, the overall oil price this week showed a weak and volatile market, and the fluctuation range of US crude oil was between 69 and 72 US dollars/barrel. The cost side still did not support the spot price of asphalt. Secondly, from the perspective of supply and demand, although compared with previous years, the average operating load rate of asphalt units across the country this week remained low, but because the peak season characteristics of the asphalt spot market are not obvious, the overall market demand remains stable, the supply of asphalt spot resources in most regions is still relatively abundant, and there is a lack of obvious positive support on the supply side. The negative factors in the asphalt spot market are more obvious. The weekly average price of asphalt fell significantly from the previous month. 2. Forecast: Next week, the market will still have flat supply and demand, and there will be no favorable factors on the cost side. It is expected that the spot price will continue to fall, with a fluctuation range of 3,680-3,700 yuan/ton. In terms of cost, the operating range of crude oil prices next week may not be much different from this week. Since the current asphalt production efficiency has been significantly improved compared with the low level of the year, the relatively stable crude oil price is unlikely to have a substantial positive impact on the spot price of asphalt. From the supply perspective, although the issue of tax deduction for diluted asphalt is of concern, even if the policy is implemented, the limited cost increase at this stage will not cause the operating load of refinery units to decline further. Most local refineries have not reduced their production in October. The overall production of asphalt in October increased month-on-month, which is bearish for spot prices. From the demand perspective, the northern region continues to maintain a steady construction rhythm, but considering the active release of social warehouses, the overall production of local refineries in October has increased, and there will be no supply gap for the time being. It is expected that the demand for rush work will still be insufficient to benefit the price.Futures reported on September 27 that the average price of the construction steel market was strong this week, with an increase of less than 3%. Specifically, as of September 26, the national average price of rebar was 3,363 yuan/ton, up 96 yuan/ton from September 19, an increase of 2.94%. The main reasons for the increase in construction steel prices this week are: first, the price of raw material iron ore has strengthened, and the production cost of steel companies has increased; second, the pre-holiday replenishment behavior has increased, the lock-in of goods has increased, and the overall transaction margin has improved; third, the futures rebar has adjusted strongly, the macro has released positive signals, and the market mentality has improved. On the whole, as inventory is digested and demand is released marginally, the market price will mainly rise during the week. After the holiday, production will continue to increase, and downstream purchases before the holiday will gradually come to an end. There may be centralized purchases after the holiday, and inventory may increase after the holiday. The fundamentals are intertwined, and there may be a possibility of adding more macros. It is expected that the market price will fluctuate and consolidate after the holiday, and the range of rise and fall will be limited.Futures News on September 27, according to Zhuochuang Information Monitoring, as of September 27, the spot zinc price of Zhuochuang Information was 24,570 yuan/ton, down 260 yuan/ton from 24,830 yuan/ton the previous day, a drop of 1.05%. In terms of recent market conditions, the overall trend of zinc prices is upward. According to analysis, the country has recently announced that it will successively introduce a series of monetary policies, including interest rate cuts, reserve requirement ratio cuts, existing mortgage interest rates, and the creation of new monetary tools to support the development of the stock market, and the market macro sentiment has warmed up. In addition, the market supply remains tight, and under weak supply, demand has improved marginally, and social inventory is running at a low level, which further supports prices. In the short term, market demand is expected to pick up, weak supply remains unchanged, and under optimistic macro sentiment, zinc prices are easy to rise but difficult to fall.

Price action strategy: a total guide for traders

Hadwin Clarke

Nov 29, 2021 17:42

Price action trading is a method that assists to predict market motions by spotting patterns or 'signals' in the cost movements of an underlying market. Learn about some various price action methods here.

What is price action in trading?

Price action in trading analyses the performance of a security, index, product or currency to forecast what it might perform in the future. If your price action analysis tells you that the cost is about to increase, you might wish to take a long position, or if you believe that the rate will fall, you may choose to short the possession.


Comprehending price action trading involves taking a look at patterns and recognizing the key indications that might have an impact on your financial investments. There are a variety of different price action approaches that lots of traders use to predict market motions and make short-term gains.

What do 'pure' or 'naked' price action indicate?

Naked price action-- likewise referred to as pure price action-- suggests that you are making your trades based exclusively on the rates that you can see before you. It's sort of like driving with your sat nav switched off. Instead of depending on complex solutions and time consuming analysis, you make your trades using your own understanding of the market.

What are price action signals?

Price action signals-- sometimes called price action patterns, or price action triggers-- are easily-recognisable patterns in a market, which can be utilized to anticipate future market behaviour. Experienced traders can sometimes find these signals at a glance by acknowledging certain shapes or repeatings in previous efficiency.

Price action vs indicators vs technical analysis: what is the distinction?

Price action indicators are flickers of activity on a trading chart that indicate the introduction of a trend. Seasoned traders can spot these indicators quickly and utilize them to make informed bets on the market in real time.


Technical analysis utilizes a series of different calculations to predict future rate movements. By contrast, price action relies just on the rate motions of a possession within your trading timeframe.


In such a way, technical analysis is trying to discover order within the relatively disorderly world of trading, while price action enables the trader to take a more standard gut-based trading approach by identifying price action indicators and acting on them.

Why is price action popular amongst forex traders?

The forex market is especially popular with price action traders for a few factors.

  • It's highly liquid, so traders may find it much easier to open and close their positions rapidly

  • The forex market is constantly moving, however hardly ever experiences huge low and high. This makes it perfect for new traders who want to explore smaller sized trades before scaling up as their know-how grows 

  • The maturity of the marketplace makes it much easier to spot recurring patterns and trends

How to trade using price action: suggestions to get going

To begin price action trading, just follow these six actions:

  • Recognize the market you desire to trade

  • Develop a personalised trading plan

Leading 7 trading strategies with price action signals

Price action trend trading

If price action trading is the study of price movements, price action trend trading is the research study of trends. Traders can use a variety of trading techniques to spot and follow price action trends such as the head and shoulders trade turnaround.


This is an excellent trading tool for new traders, as it allows them to successfully learn from their more experienced peers by chasing after price action patterns as they become visible. In the screengrab below, you 'd open a 'purchase' position to benefit from the green uptrends, or a 'sell' position to gain from the red downtrends.


Pin bar

Sometimes called the candlestick strategy because of its unique shape, the pin bar pattern appears like a candle with a long wick on it. It represents a sharp turnaround and rejection of a particular cost, with the 'wick' or tail revealing the range of rate that was declined.


The presumption is that the cost will continue to move in the opposite instructions to the tail, and traders will use this details to decide whether to take a long or short position in the market. If the pin bar pattern has a long lower tail, this tells the trader that there has actually been a pattern of lower prices being declined, which indicates that the cost could be about to rise.

Inside bar 

The inside bar pattern is a two-bar method, where the inner bar is smaller sized than the external bar, and falls within the high and low series of the external bar (or mother bar). Inside bars often form throughout a minute of debt consolidation in the market, however they can also function as a red herring, signalling a turning point in the market.


Experienced traders can spot this trend at a glance, and need to be able to utilize their macro understanding to anticipate whether the inside bar represents debt consolidation or a shift in the dominating trend. The size and position of the inside bar will dictate whether a price is more likely to increase or down.

Trend following retracement entry

This is a relatively easy price action strategy whereby the trader just follows the existing trend.


If a cost is on a clear recession, with lower highs being regularly created, the trader may want to take a brief position. If rates are increasing incrementally, with the low and high trending significantly greater, then the trader might want to purchase in.


Trend following breakout entry

This trend tracks any significant motions in the market under the assumption that after a cost spike, a retracement will follow. If a market moves outside a specified support or resistance line, it's referred to as a breakout.


Traders can use this as a signal to act, taking a long position if the stock is trending upwards or breaks above the resistance line, or a brief position if it moves listed below the support line.

Head and shoulders reversal trade

As the name suggests, the head and shoulders pattern is a market movement that looks a bit like the silhouette of a head and shoulders. In other words, rates increase, fall, increase even further, fall again, and rise to a lower high prior to a modest drop.


The head and shoulders reversal trade is among the most popular price action trading techniques as it's reasonably simple to choose an entry point (typically right after the very first shoulder) and to set a stop loss (after the 2nd shoulder) to take advantage of a momentary peak (the head).


The sequence of highs and lows

At its core, price action trading is a video game of highs and lows. Price action traders can follow the sequence of highs and lows strategy to draw up emerging trends in their market.


For example, if a price is trading at greater highs and higher lows, this shows that it's on an upward trend. If it's trading at lower low and high, it's trending downwards. Traders can utilize their knowledge of the sequence of highs and lows to choose an entry point at the lower end of an upward trend, and by setting a stop just before the previous higher low.

Price action trading summarized 

  • Price action trading is a trading method which utilizes the cost movements of an underlying market to try to forecast future market movements

  • Traders keep an eye out for price action signals which suggest the development of a pattern

  • Unlike technical analysis, price action trading concentrates on the real cost, not on moving averages

  • It's particularly popular with FX traders due to the liquidity and size of the forex market

  • Various price action techniques can be used by traders to predict market motions and make short-term gains