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On March 29, the Wall Street Journal quoted a spokesman for the US Strategic Command as saying that several B-2 stealth bombers had flown from a base in Missouri to the US military base on Diego Garcia Island in the central Indian Ocean this week. Several strategic transport aircraft and refueling aircraft also arrived at the same time as the B-2 bombers. Diego Garcia Island is located at the junction of many routes in the Indian Ocean and has a very important strategic position. During World War II, it was a British air force base and an important naval port. After the United Kingdom and the United States signed an agreement in 1966, the United States leased Diego Garcia Island from the United Kingdom and established a large airport in the west of the island, which became an important base for the United States in the Indian Ocean. During the Gulf War, the Afghanistan War and the initial stage of the Iraq War, the US military launched air operations from Diego Garcia many times.March 29th news, On March 29th, at the 2025 Suzhou Sushang Conference, the "Suzhou City 2025 Action Plan for Optimizing the Business Environment" was officially released. The "Plan" launched 15 work measures around optimizing and improving the "five environments" of market, innovation, government affairs, rule of law, and humanities. The first is to create an open and orderly market environment. The "Plan" proposes to build a "financial supermarket" that combines online and offline by upgrading the comprehensive financial service platform to provide one-stop financial comprehensive consulting services. At the same time, optimize the financing coordination mechanism for small and medium-sized enterprises, promote non-repayment renewal loans, unsecured credit loans, first loans, inclusive loans in key areas, and refinancing services, and increase inclusive loans by no less than 100 billion yuan, so as to fully cover the reasonable refinancing needs of business entities. The second is to create a higher level of innovation environment. The third is to create an efficient and convenient government environment. The fourth is to create a stable and transparent legal environment. The fifth is to create a humanistic environment that is pro-business and safe for business.March 29th, Airbus announced that the European Space Agency (ESA) and Thales Alenia Space (67% owned by Thales Group and 33% by Leonardo) the main contractor of the ExoMars project have selected Airbus to build key systems for the ExoMars lander, including the mechanical, thermal control and propulsion systems required for the landing platform to ensure the safe delivery of the Rosalind Franklin rover to the surface of Mars.March 29th news: On March 29th, the Academy of Artificial Intelligence released the cross-entity embodied brain-brain collaboration framework RoboOS and the open source embodied brain RoboBrain. This is the first time in the market. This model can realize lightweight and rapid deployment of multi-tasks across scenarios and cross-entity collaboration, promoting single-machine intelligence to group intelligence.ASEAN foreign ministers said ASEAN is ready to support Myanmars relief and recovery efforts.

How to Trade Using the Carry Trade Strategy?

Charlie Brooks

Mar 25, 2022 09:36


Carry trade is the borrowing or selling of a low-interest-rate financial instrument in order to acquire another with a higher interest rate. The trades will either be short on the lower interest rate currency or long on the higher interest rate currency, with carry trades needing to be maintained for a lengthy period of time utilizing leverage to maximize profits and take advantage of interest rate spreads between the two currencies.

The use of leverage with a broker to increase earnings multiples through interest rate arbitrage is considered a 'risk on' strategy, in which investors consider the current economic environment to be positive for their position or, more importantly, the economic outlook to be positive, supporting an interest rate diverging environment that enhances carry trade returns. The approach is based on an assessment of each country's or financial zone's economic status.

How to Trade the Carry Trade with Risk Aversion?

The carry trade has been a particularly popular medium to long-term strategy in the FX sector, with interest rate changes being minimal and the ability to take long-term positions appealing to investors and hedge funds.

Carry trade is essentially all about interest rate differentials and, more significantly, interest rate forecast.

However, care should be used by ordinary investors. While in an ideal world, when political stability is maintained and macroeconomic circumstances are favorable for carry trades, transitioning from a low yielding to a high yielding environment is not always that straightforward.

Economic shocks will be reflected in the forex market, often much faster than in other asset classes.

Furthermore, although central banks have a propensity to give direction for financial markets, ostensibly allowing adequate time to react and position in anticipation of a policy move, certain central banks are less interested in sending instructions than others. A sudden policy adjustment by a central bank has the potential to erode any gains gained via a carry trade on a particular day and potentially result in substantial losses.

Natural catastrophes or conflict may also cause risk aversion, rather than merely a change in policy stance.

In summary, the following are the primary risks associated with carry trade positions:

  • Geopolitical risk — A political event that affects attitude toward monetary policy and the economic outlook of a certain nation, such as Brexit, sanctions, trade wars, and so on.

  • FX risk — gains from interest rate differentials negated by exchange rate changes in the carry trade, resulting in losses despite favorable interest rate differentials.

  • Gearing risk — Losses caused by unanticipated movements exacerbated by leveraged positions, which might result in margin calls or even positions being stopped out by an exchange.

  • Interest Rate Risk - This becomes more of a risk when compounding interest is included in. Movements in interest rate differentials may have an influence on returns in either a positive or negative way, with a narrowing of differentials resulting in lower-than-expected returns until the next interest compounding period.

Nonetheless, although risk aversion might be a problem for carry trade positions, carry trades can be a wise long-term investment or a trigger to buy/sell any asset.

The most conventional carry trades have been the USD/JPY, NZD/USD, NZD/JPY, AUD/USD, and AUD/JPY, with the EUR/USD emerging as a viable option since the global financial crisis. There are others, such as the Brazilian real and the Turkish Lira, as well as other more volatile exotics, but risk appetite will need to be especially strong, and with some countries less transparent than others, carrying trades into such exotic currencies carries substantial risk. Although these combinations are the most common for carry trades, any currency or currency pair may be deemed a carry trade transaction.

The difference in interest rates between two nations may be the primary driver of one currency's strength over another.

With interest rates at or below 0%, the EUR and Japanese Yen are among the favored financing currencies in today's interest rate environment.

Looking at recent swings in 10-year US Treasury rates, the major shift in attitude towards the US economy and monetary policy outlook has seen the Dollar surge of late, with year-to-date losses all but erased in only a few weeks.

Finding the correct trading platform with the necessary trading tools is critical for individuals wishing to engage in carry trades. HQBroker is one such platform that allows traders to trade FX and CFDs, allowing them to scalp, swing, or take on longer-term positions such as carry trades while leveraging their profits.

Every trader must investigate and comprehend the relevance of carry trades both before and after making a deal. Carry trades and interest rate differentials generate volatility in the FX market, as well as the possibility for a trader to execute a carry trade with a high probability of a positive return.