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How to Read Foreign Exchange Rates?

Aria Thomas

Mar 24, 2022 09:18


When you don't understand the concepts and figures used in foreign exchange rates, it might be difficult to read them. What is a currency pair? What is the difference between the bid and ask price? These are some of the questions that can only be answered if you understand how to interpret foreign currency rates correctly.

Learning the language of forex is essential if you want to be a good trader. When you thoroughly grasp the ideas around foreign exchange, it is simpler to plan, experiment, and make an educated conclusion.

Continue reading to learn the most crucial words that will assist you in decoding charts when you check forex live rates at your most trusted forex website.

Currency Pair

Currencies are priced in pairs because you must sell one currency in order to purchase another, or vice versa. As a result, a currency pair compares the value of one currency to that of another and displays how much of the quoted currency is required to purchase one unit of the base currency.

The currency on the left (EUR) is the base currency, while the currency on the right (USD) is the quoted currency. The base currency is always set at one unit, whereas the quoted currency represents the equivalency of one base unit when swapped into the other currency.

Using the example quotation above, you will need to sell US$1.1339 in order to purchase €1.00. When you sell your US$1.1339, you will get €1.00.

Indirect vs. Direct Currency Quote

A currency quotation might be direct or indirect. The quoted currency in a direct currency quotation is the native currency. In this case, the home currency fluctuates while the foreign currency stays constant at one unit. The home currency is fixed at one unit in an indirect currency quotation, but the foreign currency is considered as a variable.

Cross Currency

Some currency quotations do not include a US dollar in the pair. This is known as a cross currency, and it enables one foreign currency to be swapped for another without having to convert the currency into US dollars.


Cross currency pairings provide extra trading opportunities, but the downside is that these combinations are not as popular as those involving the US dollar.

Bid and Ask

When you first start trading currencies, it's critical to understand which prices you should pay attention to. There are two notions to consider here: the bid price and the ask price. Simply explained, the bid is the purchase price and the ask is the sell price.

If you wish to purchase a currency, you must first look at the Ask price. This tells you how much of the quoted currency you'll need to spend to purchase one unit of the pair's base currency. The bid price, on the other hand, is the price you see when selling units of the base currency. It tells you how much the market will pay for the stated currency in the pair.

The more you know about forex, the better you will be able to trade. Have a persistent appetite for new forex information in order to broaden your trading skill set, such as interpreting forex live rates. You can obtain a vast quantity of information and data from numerous forex websites and blogs, which may help you increase your knowledge of forex. Remember, a good trader never stops learning.