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On October 18, Tengjing Technology announced that its third-quarter revenue was 120 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 50.97%; its net profit was 22.6571 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 109.86%. Its revenue in the first three quarters was 332 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 34.59%; its net profit was 55.4814 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 77.90%.Futures news on October 18th, the C&F price of Canadian canola (November shipment) is US$519/ton, up US$3/ton from the previous trading day; the C&F price of Canadian canola (December shipment) is US$509/ton, up US$3/ton from the previous trading day.Futures news on October 18: ① The C&F price of soybeans from the US Gulf (November shipment) is 462 US dollars/ton, an increase of 4 US dollars/ton compared with the previous trading day; the C&F price of soybeans from the US West Coast (November shipment) is 457 US dollars/ton, an increase of 6 US dollars/ton compared with the previous trading day; the C&F price of soybeans from Brazil (November shipment) is 468 US dollars/ton, an increase of 4 US dollars/ton compared with the previous trading day. ② Imported soybean premium and discount quotes: Gulf of Mexico (November shipment) 270 cents/bushel, an increase of 1 cent/bushel compared with the previous trading day; US West Coast (November shipment) 256 cents/bushel, an increase of 5 cents/bushel compared with the previous trading day; Brazilian ports (November shipment) 285 cents/bushel, the same as the previous trading day.Germanys DAX30 index opened on October 18 (Friday) down 18.44 points, or 0.09%, at 19,569.75 points; Britains FTSE 100 index opened on October 18 (Friday) down 36.48 points, or 0.44%, at 8,348.65 points; Frances CAC40 index opened on October 18 (Friday) down 4.47 points, or 0.06%, at 7,579.26 points; Europes The STOXX 50 index opened up 2.15 points, or 0.04%, at 4,949.45 points on Friday, October 18; the Spanish IBEX 35 index opened down 36.60 points, or 0.31%, at 11,867.90 points on Friday, October 18; the Italian FTSE MIB index opened down 21.73 points, or 0.06%, at 35,017.00 points on Friday, October 18.Futures news on October 18th, 1. The spot Shanghai-London ratio of electrolytic copper is 8.01, and the import profit and loss is 251.02 yuan/ton. The import profit and loss on the previous trading day is 266.29 yuan/ton; 2. The spot Shanghai-London ratio of electrolytic aluminum is 8.0, and the import profit and loss is -1338.36 yuan/ton. The import profit and loss on the previous trading day is -1308.46 yuan/ton.

How to Be A Successful Day Trader?

Haiden Holmes

Sep 02, 2022 11:28


There are several ways to approach the market, but the one type that generally earns the least respect is day trading

Day trading success doesn't happen suddenly; it requires years of skill, tenacity, and pure dedication. However, if you make sure you get the right education from experts and follow a tried-and-true strategy, you'll be on the right track in no time at all.

If you are considering learning how to trade, assume you will fail and lose money, and trade in a simulator before putting real money at risk. We will offer some advice if you are intrigued by the concept but unclear about how to become a day trader.

What Is Day Trading, And How Does It Work?

The purpose of day trading is to generate a profit by purchasing and selling securities and stocks on the same trading day. A day trader will have closed all positions and realized all wins or losses at the end of the market day.

Day trading is the reverse of a long-term investment strategy, in which stocks or assets are held with the expectation that their value will increase over time. Rather, day trading consists of purchasing dips and selling highs in the short term – the long-term prospects of a stock or investment are significantly less important than their immediate volatility.

Day trading can be dangerous. Day traders will invariably incur losses on transactions, and becoming a profitable day trader can be challenging.

Day Trading vs. Investing

Investing in the conventional sense does not typically refer to day trading. Although "investment" is a broad phrase, it is well-established that the most effective strategy to continuously earn stable and positive after-tax returns is to buy and hold stocks or bonds for the long term.


Even when their holdings increase in value, buy-and-hold investors often do not experience the emotional fluctuations that plague the majority of day traders. If you were to construct and manage a portfolio of low-cost exchange-traded funds (ETFs) instead of engaging in day trading, the probability of making a profit over the long term would be extremely high.

Long-term investors are well-positioned to diversify their investments and reduce the risk of severe losses. The portfolios of day traders who buy and sell only a handful of popular stocks are far less diversified, so the performance of a single stock has a much greater impact on their financial health.

Is Day Trading The Correct Choice For You?

Determine whether day trading is suitable for you before engaging in it.

Can you afford to monitor the market while sitting in front of your computer?

Do you have the self-control to wait for the correct trade signals instead of acting on every market movement?

Do you possess the patience to wait for optimal trade conditions?

Are you flexible enough to adapt to daily and often minute-by-minute market fluctuations?

You will need mental fortitude to endure the changes and absorb the losses. You must strike a balance between independent decision-making and requesting assistance when necessary. You must be forward-thinking in order to anticipate market movements. If these characteristics describe you, then proceed. The world of day trading undoubtedly awaits you.

What Is A Day Trader?

A day trader is, in the strictest meaning, a person who opens and closes positions within the trading day as opposed to keeping them for longer durations. During the course of a single day, trade lengths can range from a minute to many hours.

Instead of focusing on a company's fundamentals, day traders pay greater attention to technical charts depicting what the stock price is doing right now and how it has behaved historically under similar market conditions.

How To Become A Day Trader?

If you're interested in becoming a day trader, you should first examine the level of knowledge required. 67.5 percent of day traders have a bachelor's degree, according to our findings. 9.9% of day traders possess a master's degree, according to our findings regarding their educational attainment. Even though the majority of day traders hold a bachelor's degree, it is feasible to become one with only a high school diploma or GED.


Choosing the correct major is usually a crucial step when investigating how to become a day trader. When researching the most prevalent majors for day traders, we discovered that bachelor's degrees and associate degrees are the most common. In addition to master's degrees and high school diplomas, we frequently notice master's degrees and high school diplomas on day trader resumes.

You may find that previous work experience can assist you in succeeding as a day trader. In reality, many day trader professions demand expertise as a sales representative. In addition, many day traders have previously held positions such as manager or account executive.

How Long Does It Take to Learn to Day Trade?

Commonly asked is the average amount of time required to learn day trade. This is a crucial question that every trader should be aware of, and the true answer relies on a variety of variables.

For instance, the procedure will often be quick if you are merely learning about it. Alternatively, the procedure will take longer if you juggle other tasks.

There are multiple aspects to learning day trade. First is the literary portion, in which you must study how the market operates. We advise using trade books, online courses, and YouTube videos.

The second section is of a practical character. This is the phase in which you will maintain a demo account and apply what you have learned. Therefore, you should invest a minimum of six months.

What Makes Day Trading Difficult?

Day trading requires considerable skill and experience, and there are a number of factors that can make it difficult.

First, recognize that you will be competing against individuals whose professions revolve around trading. These individuals have access to the best technology and industry relationships, and that means they are ultimately positioned for success. Typically, if you join the bandwagon, it increases their earnings.

Next, recognize that Uncle Sam will want a portion of your profits, regardless of their size. Remember that you must pay taxes at the marginal rate on any short-term gains (investments held for one year or less). A benefit is that your losses will cancel out your gains.

In addition, as a novice day trader, you may be susceptible to emotional and psychological biases that influence your trading, such as when your personal capital is at stake and you're losing money on a trade. Typically, these obstacles can be overcome by seasoned, highly-skilled, and financially-secure professionals.

What Does It Take to Be A Successful Trader?

Numerous aspects contribute to day trading success. Becoming a successful trader is the result or byproduct of gaining and utilizing crucial characteristics, such as perseverance, adaptability, and a willingness to learn and improvise. Numerous blunders and mistakes will be made throughout the procedure. The essence of the learning process is the ability to learn from failures and identify methodological gaps to fix. The road to success involves gaining insight into one's behavioral strengths and shortcomings and learning to change accordingly.

How to Be A Successful Day Trader

Conduct research

The first steps on the road to becoming a successful day trader include familiarizing yourself with the market, settling on a strategy, and selecting a trading platform. Before becoming a day trader, you must grasp how the market you intend to trade in functions, whether it be the forex market, the stock market, or another marketplace.

Set your feelings aside

Some individuals associate successful day traders with the images they see on social media: multimillionaires visiting luxury restaurants and clubs and driving expensive cars. Who wouldn't be interested? However, suppose you have ambitions, desires, and objectives of being a day trader. In that case, you must realize from the outset that if you let materialistic rewards govern your intentions, you will fail. Successful traders adhere to their trading techniques rather than their emotions or inclinations.

Start small

Once you have learned about the markets and how to trade and are prepared to enter the market, it is essential to begin trading on a small scale. It takes time to learn how to successfully day trade, and putting a lot of money on the table to begin is an unnecessary risk for a novice trader. Due to the inherent danger of day trading, you should only utilize funds that you are willing to lose. As unpleasant as it may sound, you should disconnect your emotions from the trading capital you are utilizing so that your trading decisions are not emotionally driven or controlled.

Avoid penny stocks

You likely seek deals and low pricing, but you should avoid penny stocks. These equities are frequently illiquid, and your prospects of striking it rich with them are frequently slim.

Numerous equities that trade for less than $5 per share are delisted from major stock exchanges and can only be traded over-the-counter (OTC). Unless you have done your research and found a genuine possibility, you should avoid these.

Demonstrate your methods before trading real money

With a trading plan in place, the next step is to test its performance on a demo account. Demo or "paper" accounts permit you to place hypothetical trades without risking actual funds. This is a vital stage for novice traders, as the majority of day traders incur substantial losses in their first few months.

If the plan does not function in a test environment, it will not function in the real world. Revise the trading strategy, then return to the demo account to test the modifications. This procedure is repeated until a profit has been generated for several consecutive months. At that point, the trading strategy is probably effective.

Knowing when not to trade

Top traders understand there are times when the odds are stacked against them and have the discipline to refrain from trading. Some traders learn this fast, while others learn the hard way after sustaining a number of severe losses. Not all markets are tradeable; the trick is to recognize when the odds are in your favor and act without hesitation. They recognize that "no trade" is preferable to losing trade.

Utilize available technology

You can be certain that the people on the other side of your trade are utilizing all available technologies to find and keep their trading advantage, so you should do the same.

Whether you're utilizing the most recent charting software, installing the most advanced apps for tracking your investments, or streamlining your trading setup, enhancing your performance with the most recent technology is a never-ending process.

Successful traders embrace the newest technologies and employ them to get any market edge possible.

Cut losses with limit orders

Determine which order types you will use to initiate and exit transactions. Will you employ the market or limit orders? A market order is executed with no price guarantee at the best available price at the time. It is handy when you simply wish to enter or exit the market and are not concerned with being filled at a specified price.


The price of a limit order is guaranteed, but not its execution.

You can trade with greater precision and assurance when you set the price at which your limit order will be executed. A limit order might reduce your loss during market reversals. However, if the market does not reach your price, your order will not be filled, and your position will be maintained.

Additionally, professional and seasoned day traders may use options methods to hedge their positions.

Develop a strategy to trade with and follow it.

The bulk of traders profit from very modest price fluctuations in liquid equities or indices with moderate to high volatility. You require price movement in either the long or short direction to generate money properly. Techniques for determining entry and exit locations are successful for trading success. Once comfortable, most traders adopt a trading style they adhere to. Some traders simply trade one or two stocks on a daily basis, while others trade a tiny basket of their favorites. Ultimately, this preference decision is yours to make, and once decided, you should stick to your decision.

Create a procedure and test it using fictitious trades. Refine the procedure and determine what works best. Before executing a trade, seasoned traders identify what comprises a trading setup as well as the pattern and indicator combination they require. They rarely depart from these routines to retain concentration and control their emotions. It's easy to depart from what you know you should be doing, which is typically caused by the emotions of trading and the desire for success, but you must learn to be strict, disciplined, and mechanical in every step of analysis and trade execution. Yes, we are saying that you must become nearly robotic in your approach.

Learn from your mistakes

Successful day traders have the ability to take losses and begin again. You cannot maintain pride and attempt to recover losses by chasing a losing trade. That constitutes gambling; it is not trading. And what do you know? As a technique, it is rarely effective for gamblers.


If you experience a defeat, shrug it off and begin the following day again. A new beginning entails the capacity to assess, determine where you went wrong, and adapt your strategy. You can experience a losing streak. But you can't let yourself quit. To get yourself out of a funk, you must make adjustments, regroup, and persist. Examine other professions to see what went wrong and what could have been done better.


Mastering day trading is challenging and demands patience, expertise, and self-control. The ideas and techniques outlined above may help you construct a potentially profitable strategy, despite the fact that the majority of those who attempt it lose money. Institutional and individual day traders play a vital role in the market by maintaining its efficiency and liquidity. With sufficient experience, skill development, and constant performance review, you may be able to increase your likelihood of profitable trading.