Haiden Holmes
Aug 16, 2022 10:48
German consumers of natural gas will be required to pay an additional 2.42 euro cents per kilowatt hour as a result of Russia's decision to reduce natural gas shipments to Europe.
According to a statement made on Monday by Trading Hub Europe, the tax will take effect in October. This could result in additional expenses of roughly 500 euros ($510) for a typical family of four.
At 15:30 in Berlin, Economy Minister Robert Habeck is scheduled to comment on the measure.
Beginning in the fourth quarter, utilities will be able to pass forward expenses connected with replacing lost Russian supply. As a result of Russia's actions during the Ukraine conflict, Germany attempted to avoid charging consumers for increased energy expenses. However, there is no choice due to the unpredictability of gas supply, which officials fear could be cut off permanently at any time by Russia.
The German minister of finance, Christian Lindner, has announced that he will investigate ways to remove the fee from sales tax in an effort to at least partially reduce the burden on consumers.
Europe shifted its attention from gas production to consumption during one of the greatest energy crises in human history. The amount of gas that nations are able to store in the coming months will have a substantial impact on the continent's ability to survive the winter. It is anticipated that incentives for demand reduction would dominate the regional agenda.
The German gas storage facilities are 75% full, according to the Federal Network Agency or BNetzA.
Aug 15, 2022 10:50
Aug 16, 2022 10:50